신뢰 예로부터 더러운 진흙에서 깨끗한 꽃을 피우는 연꽃은 선비들에게 사랑받아 왔습니다.상황에 휘둘리지 않고, 본인의 생각을 꽃피우는 사람이 떠오르는 연꽃의 꽃말은 ‘신뢰’입니다.소중한 사람에게 항상 믿고 있다는 믿음의 메시지를 담아 보세요. ㅇ (The 8th letter of Korean alphabet) TRUST From ancient times, the LOTUS with its clean flower coming into bloom amidst the dirty muddy slough has been indulged with love by the seonbi (Korean noble scholar back in Chosun Dynasty).‘TRUST’ is the floral meaning of the Lotus that reminds one of the individual who has one’s thoughts in full bloom, without being swayed by the circumstances one is under.Send a message of trust that you are always relying on the person you hold dear.