불변 천일홍 꽃이 핀 후 베어내면1,000일동안 색이 바래지 않는다는 뜻의 천일홍의 꽃말은 ‘불변’입니다.한결같은 부모님의 사랑처럼 불변하지 않는 것이라 더 가치 있다는 것을 놓치고 있는건 없으신가요?시간이 지나도 변하지 않는 사랑과 우정을 ‘ㅊ’과 함께 선물해보세요 ㅊ (The 10th letter of Korean alphabet) CONSTANCY ‘CONSTANCY’ is the floral meaning of the GLOBE AMARANTH,meaning that once the GLOBE AMARANTH is chopped after it has flowered, its colors fade not for as long as 1,000 days. By any chance, aren’t you missing something more valuable, being unchanging like the constant and unfailing parental love? Leave on the postcard ‘ㅊ’ your timeless love and friendship.